words are not dead
«words are not dead» is a set of two matching pieces that serve as a reflection on today’s society that is looking at visuals more than texts.
The capacity to focus when reading tends to disappear for the benefit of other media (such as social media) where words have a specific preconceived limited role.
A pattern is created by the repetition of «words are not dead» that the viewer can discover if he gets curious and close to the fabric. Like a hopeless convincing of oneself, 1 sentence, 4 words overlap until the meaning fades away. Lost in a sea of the same words, it is not words anymore but a visual, a fashion pattern with a questionable meaning.
This ironic approach wants to point out the danger of simplification which can be appealing but represents a short-cut for developement of personal ideas, and overall questions what will happen to written text in the future.