dark sky reserve
In 1992, UNESCO declared the night sky a «world heritage to be protected».
The Dark Sky Reserve is a 3 km long area between Netersel and Westelbeers where you are invited to sit and lie down to watch the stars. It is the darkest spot we can find in the Van Gogh National Park in 2021. Project created in partnership with the Van Gogh National Park, a proposed national park of the Netherlands, established on 30 March 2021.
Please visit the dedicated website darkskyreserve.nl
Today, a third of the world's population can no longer see the Milky Way. The night is indeed confronted with the rise of light pollution resulting from a generalization and a bad use of the public and private lighting.
In Europe dark skies environments are scarce. Therefore the Dark Sky Reserve project aims to address and spread awareness on this issue within the Van Gogh National Park.